But of that day or hour, no one knows,
neither the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. (Mk 13:32)
In today’s Gospel, Jesus spoke about the end of time when the Son of Man would come again in triumph to take His faithful people home to Himself.
He spoke about a great tribulation that would take place as everything collapsed in upon itself.
It is a horror to think about. It is something that frightens a great many people.
Especially since that coming is totally unpredictable.
We have dealt with many natural disaster horrors in our time. Even people who think that they are ready find that they were not. Supposedly flood-proof areas get destroyed, earthquake-proof buildings tumble to the ground, et cetera. As these things happen, we stand around looking on in terror and despair.
That is exactly what the Lord does not want to happen to us, however.
The coming of the Son of Man is something that should be anticipated with excitement.
Sure, there is a natural human element of dread to the event; however, if we are found ready, we will not have a lot about which to worry.
The coming of the Son of Man is inevitable. Therefore, we need to live each moment of each day in readiness.
FAITH ACTION: I am aware that these meditations go out to what we commonly call “the choir”. Most of you do the best you can to live in readiness. So, today, pray for those who are not prepared, that they receive the spiritual graces they need to return to the Lord.