“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” ~ Benjamin Franklin
I know that I have shared, in the past, different stories about our family vacations. One of the things that was pivotal in any of our vacations was preparation. We were all assigned certain tasks. We had to select the clothes that we were going to pack so that mom could make sure that everything was laundered and ready to go. We had to decide what was going to go into the cooler for the pit stops that we were going to make on the road. The lawn had to be mowed and the plants and flowers watered. The newspaper and mail had to be put on hold. Mom and dad would consult the map and determine the route as well as where we would stop for the night on the way.
In short, our vacation never began the day we actually left our house to go somewhere. Our vacation began several days before with the preparation phase. If we did not prepare properly, we would not be ready to leave at the ungodly hour that dad would set for our departure.
We are preparing for the season of Lent. It is a wonderful period of preparation for the celebration of Easter. Lent has its own set of demands for the faithful. We need to prepare ourselves so that we can succeed in our Lenten journey.
Lenten resolutions are often made. Negative types of resolutions (things that we are going to give up) and positive types of resolutions (good deeds that we plan to do) often fill our lists. One of the best methods to plan that we succeed is to make sure that we do not overburden ourselves with resolutions. Just as often happens with New Year resolutions, Christians often decide that they are going to do way too much. Confronted with a daunting task, they often quit doing anything.
When you pick your resolutions, make sure that they are achievable and that there are not so many of them that they overpower you. If you plan properly, Lent will be a success and Easter will be glorious.
Don’t forget, tomorrow, Ash Wednesday is a Day of Fast and Abstinence. The Fridays of Lent are Days of Abstinence. Good Friday is a Day of Fast and Abstinence.
Fast: Allows for only one full meal to be taken during the day. Two smaller meals are permitted, if necessary, to maintain strength according to one’s needs. Eating solid foods between meals is not permitted. Fasting is to be observed by all Catholics who are 18 years of age through to those who have not yet celebrated their 59th birthday. [Medical conditions may make it impossible to fast. The Church has never held its people to the impossible. If you have a condition that prohibits you from fasting, you are not obliged to do so.]
Abstinence: The practice of refraining from meat and meat products. Abstinence is to be practiced by all who are 14 years of age and older.
FAITH ACTION: Plan your meatless Friday meals, mark your calendars for extra prayer opportunities, and decide some Lenten resolutions. Be prepared for tomorrow and the beginning of Lent.