“Truth is, I think, if God just gave us our daily bread, many of us would be angry. ‘That’s all you’re going to give me? You’re just going to give me enough to sustain me for today? What about tomorrow or next year or 10, 20, 30 years from now? I want to know that I’m set up.’ And yet Jesus says just pray for your daily provisions.” ~ Francis Chan
Avarice or greed. This sin is quite deadly. It is defined as the intense and selfish desire for something, especially wealth, power, or food. It is something, when acted on, which often blinds a person to all others. Someone acting purely out of greed will not care who is hurt as long as the desire can be met. The tragic thing about avarice? It is never satisfied. Never. As soon as one thing is attained, the truly greedy person sets sights on the next thing. And the next. And the next.
Jesus’ instruction not to pray for anything except our daily need would truly rankle greedy people. They do not want to hear about “daily need”. They want all of their needs, all of their desires, met at any cost. Praying for daily needs takes the onus out of our hands and puts it in God’s hands. The truly greedy person does not like that idea either.
When we act out of greed, we are on our own. We do not elicit the aid of anyone else lest they get some of what we want. We isolate ourselves. Why would we trust anyone else? And, if we will not trust anyone else, we will not trust God either.
We have to learn to be satisfied in life. We have to quit looking for more. We have to be humble enough to be dependent upon God. We have to develop a trust in God that will see us through our days. These are not easy to do. Thankfully, we have help in the matter. It is called grace.
If we ask God to give us His grace, He will gladly do it. If we ask Him for the grace to be humble, He will teach us humility. If we ask for the grace to trust, He will lead us to trust in Him. It merely begins with a request. Are you in need? Do you lack the trust in God and your fellow brothers and sisters that you need? God is willing to give you all that you need. Turn to Him.
Of course, doing so, we have to be ready for His response. It may not come the way we expected. It might not be what we wanted. But it will always be what we need. Because that is what God specializes in: providing for our needs. Pray for your daily need and let God supply as He knows best.
FAITH ACTION: Don’t be greedy. Pray for your daily needs today and pray, as well, that others may receive what they need today.