“The best way to predict your future is to create it.” ~ Abraham Lincoln
I know a lot of wishers. They wish that things would have been different. They wish that they would have found a great job. They wish that things would change. They wish, they wish, they wish but they never do. Lincoln would tell them that they’ve got it all wrong. Instead of wishing for something to come about, make something come about.
That seems too easy and basic, doesn’t it? Yet we often view the world the same way. We often spend our time wishing rather that working on change or on bringing something about. Jesus challenged us to bring the Kingdom into the world. We are not to sit around and wait for it. If we do, it will never come about since we hold a piece of the Kingdom in our hearts.
We can liken the realization of the Kingdom to a huge jigsaw puzzle. Each of us are a piece of that realization. If we do not lay our piece of the puzzle down, there will be a gap. If several people do not lay their pieces down, there will be several gaps. If millions of people do not lay their pieces down, there will be millions of gaps.
Rather than worry about those millions — people over whom we have no control — let’s worry about ourselves and do what we need to do to bring the Kingdom into the world. Doing is a lot more effective that wishing.
FAITH ACTION: Do your best to bring the Kingdom of God to all you encounter today.