“Autumn begins with a subtle change in the light, with skies a deeper blue, and nights that become suddenly clear and chilled. The season comes full with the first frost, the disappearance of migrant birds, and the harvesting of the season’s last crops.” ~ Glenn Wolff and Jerry Dennis
Subtlety is not one of our strong suits, is it? We are usually get-out-there-and-get-it-done kind of people. “Damn the torpedoes and full speed ahead” is pretty much our motto. That is why we are often taken in by subtlety. The con artist knows best how to be subtle. The con artist will sneak in a suggestion and make it sound as if it were our own idea. Before we know it, we have been swindled.
Autumn comes in a lot like that. There are subtle changes. The days begin to get shorter; but, just a bit. The air becomes cooler; but, just a bit. The leaves begin to change color; but, just a bit. And then, all of a sudden, wham. Full color of leaves, dark crisp nights, and a stark landscape all greet us.
Our lives are also a bit like that, are they not. We begin young and full of energy. We think that we can conquer the world. Then, we begin to get older; but, just a bit. We begin to lose energy; but, just a bit. We begin to falter; but, just a bit. And then, wham. God has called us and we, like one of the leaves that falls from the tree, fall to the ground and are no more.
Autumn reminds us that our lives are not forever. They are transitory. We are here on this earth for a while and then we are no more. It is that “no more” part that we all need to focus upon in order to be ready for our ultimate reality.
God will call each and every one of us as surely as the sun will rise tomorrow morning and set tomorrow night. When He calls, He is going to want to find us ready. There is much to be done in this life in order to be found prepared. The corporal and spiritual works of mercy are a good place to begin. A profound prayer life will benefit us incredibly. Living in peace and love with one another will let God know that we understand what His Son was all about.
Do not let life sneak up on you. Prepare yourself for what is to come so that it does not catch you unaware.
FAITH ACTION: As autumn signals change, determine what changes you need to make in order to have a deeper spiritual life.