“Helping one person might not change the whole world; but, it could change the world for one person.” ~ Unknown
There are so many times that we “think big”. We are not going to do something unless we get the most bang for our buck. We are not going to promote something unless we can get the most exposure. We just do not seem to do anything small.
However, that is precisely how we can change the world: one small thing at a time, one good deed at a time, one person helped at a time. We do not have to affect the lives of thousands of people, we just need to affect the life of one. That one person should be the only one on our radar. After all, if we spend too much of our energy on the larger picture, no one will ever be helped.
I remember several years ago when I was coming home from an appointment in Merrillville. After the appointment, I went to the Merrillville Sam’s Club to purchase some supplies for the office and the house. On my return, I decided to come home on the expressway rather than US 30. I took the expressway to Cline Avenue and was going to take Cline to Ridge Road and on home since the expressway was getting congested.
When I exited onto Cline, I saw a man walking with a gas can in his hand, a car on the side of the road a few blocks behind him. It was a dark and rainy afternoon and downright miserable. I pulled over to the side of the road, picked him up, took him to the gas station, and returned him to his car. He thanked me over and over again. He even said that he often stops for other people but knows that very few people do that anymore. On that particular day, he stated, he had prayed that God would send him an angel.
Now, I do not claim to be an angel. No way. However, I did tell him that I was sure that God sent me as an answer to his prayer because there was no reason for me to come down Cline that afternoon. One person. One action. It did not set me back any on my schedule that day; but it was all the difference to that cold, wet gentleman.
All it takes is one act of kindness for one person to make that person’s world a brighter place. And if we each do something like that for one person, those people will be more inclined to do something for another person, and another, and another. And, before you know it, the world might be more inclined to live in peace.
Hey, it could happen.
FAITH ACTION: Be that person who comes to someone’s aid today if for no other reason than it is the right thing to do.