“Do what you do so well that they will want to see it again and again and bring their friend.” ~ Walt Disney
Who is most likely to sway you, a whiny and grumbling complainer or a highly happy and enthusiastic person? I think it’s safe to say that it would be the happy, enthusiastic person. If your choice was the first option, you don’t need these daily reflections. You need more professional help . . . or a vacation. 🙂
Jesus called His disciples together and sent them out into the world to preach, to teach, and to heal. In all that they did, as St. Paul reminded the Christian community later, they were to do it in love. When we love others, they see that our motivation is pure and that our desire for the best for them is genuine. When we approach people in love, they respond not only with thanks but often they join us and help to do the work Christ entrusted to us.
When we love others, not only do they respond, but it makes it easier for us to love even more the next time around.
FAITH ACTION: Be such an example of the faith today that you inspire others to turn to the Lord as well.