“On this June day the buds in my garden are almost as enchanting as the open flowers. Things in bud bring, in the heat of a June noontide, the recollection of the loveliest days of the year, those days of May when all is suggested, nothing yet fulfilled.” ~ Francis King
Tomorrow begins a new month. It heralds summer and all that it is about. Oh, how people wait for June. When it arrives, it is the signal that all is right with the world. For most, it means that summer vacation has begun, new lives begin, great hope looms.
For some students, it is a pause from education. Summer vacation gives them a chance to recharge. For others, it is the signal of one phase of life ending and another beginning. Graduates look ahead to high school or college or graduate school. For still others, with their education finally complete, they look toward beginning a career. They hope that all their studies and preparation will bring them success.
May is that fidgety month. Just as the trees and flowers are budding and preparing to bloom, students are chomping at the bit, preparing to move on. When June arrives in all its glory, new plans can be made.
Tomorrow begins a new month for us all. As we have gone through winter and spring, we look ahead to all that summer has in store for us. At the parish, we are making plans our annual Vacation Bible School. There are also many projects in the building and on the grounds that will be taking place in order to continually improve our facilities.
Yet, even in the midst of the busy nature of summer, we make plans to begin all over again. For students, that means preparing to go back to school at the end of the summer. For others, that means returning to work after taking summer vacations. For us all, that means awaiting the shift of seasons from summer in all its heat to the winds and cool of autumn and the harsh cold of winter.
We are always on the move. New things await us. As one season leaves, another waits. As one season arrives, the next gets primed for its return. Our lives are so very much like that as well. It seems that we move from one moment in our spiritual lives to another. We are never truly finished.
The seasons of our spiritual journey prepare us for what lies ahead. What lies ahead prepares us for what lies beyond that. The cycle goes on and on until our Lord says enough and calls us back to Himself.
Enjoy the summer months. If possible, take some time to go on vacation and recharge the ol’ batteries. Try to take some extra time, as well, for prayer and strengthening your relationship with God. That time is never wasted.
What you do to improve your spiritual life will always be rewarded. If you cannot think of anything specific to do, just give the Lord your time. Sit in silence, read the Bible or some spiritual literature, and rest in the presence of the Lord. Before you know it, you will realize that He is conversing with you.
FAITH ACTION: Schedule some plans for the summer that include time for your family and time for the Lord.