The Gift Of Understanding

25 Feb

“Grown-ups never understand anything by themselves, and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explaining things to them.”  ~ Antoine de Saint-Exupery, The Little Prince

As we grow and mature, we are so proud of ourselves over our accomplishments.  We realize that there is so much we can do now in relation to what we could to in our youth.  One of the things that we lose, however, in our “mature” years is the ability to see and respond to the spiritual.  It’s true.

You would think that adults would be better at the spiritual.  However, there seems to be some filter that we place over our eyes that blinds us to things that children can see so easily.  If a child ever comes up to me and points out angels or saints or tells of things heard, I do not doubt that child at all.

Children are much more innocent and they seem to be able to recognize the holy.  We, on the other hand, who are older and more steeped in the ways of the world, have learned to be more wary of things and we often doubt the expression of the holy in our lives.  We say that we are seeing things or hearing things.  We doubt that the Lord would interject Himself into our lives that way.  We discount what we experience.

The child revels in the experience.  The adult rebels against the experience.

God is present to His people.  He does communicate with His people.  He touches the lives of His people in innumerable ways.  We need to understand what is happening and what is being communicated to us.  Thank God that understanding is one of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit open to us.

FAITH ACTION:  Pray for the gift of understanding so that you may see more clearly how God interacts in your life and in the world.