Tell It

30 Dec

Go tell it on the mountain
Over the hills and everywhere
Go tell it on the mountain
That Jesus Christ is born.

We have been proclaiming each day throughout this Octave of Christmas the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ. The news of His birth – and of His eventual suffering, death, and resurrection – need to be proclaimed as loud and as long as we can.

Too often, we are reticent to talk about our faith in Jesus Christ. We talk about the people who do so and call them Bible Thumpers, Holy Rollers, and other derogatory names. Yet, they are merely answering the call to discipleship.

Jesus commissioned us to “go out to all the world and tell the Good News.” We might not like to think about it; but, that commission was given to everyone, not just a few people. We are responsible to talk about the Lord and to introduce others to Him.

When we die, I am convinced that Jesus will ask us who we brought to Him throughout our lives. If we have not introduced anyone to the Lord, I think Jesus is going to be very disappointed in us. I don’t know about you; but, I certainly do not want to think about Him being disappointed with me.

Go, then, and tell those you encounter about the Good News of salvation. Jesus Christ was not only born. He also suffered, died, and rose from the dead to secure our salvation.

FAITH ACTION: Proclaim your joy at the Lord’s birth in the manner in which you live your life this day.