Sing Anyway

19 Jan

“Some days there won’t be a song in your heart.  Sing anyway.”  ~ Emory Austin

We have all had “those days”, haven’t we?  We’ve had days that felt like they were two weeks long.  We’ve had days that we never want to have again.  We’ve had days that we did not look forward to from the very beginning.  We’ve all been there and done that.

Those kinds of days can truly wear us down, especially if we allow the negativity of the day to enter the very center of our being.  The negativity, loneliness, sadness — whatever emotion might be evoked — can affect us adversely.  Ah, but here’s the thing:  we don’t have to allow it to happen.

Will we have bad days?  Of course.  Will we have negative experiences?  You betcha.  Will we have days that feel like they’re going to drag on forever?  Yeah.  But we don’t have to let that matter.

Instead, we can look for the positive or the hopeful in our day.  It exists.  Every moment of every day has a glimmer of hope in it that can spark joy within and a song in our heart.  If we reach for the hope, the joy, we will not have to worry about what will take place.

Today is going to bring all sorts of things your way.  Some might be pleasant.  Some may be far from pleasant.  We’ve got to go through them.  But we can do so with a song in our heart and joy in our lives.

FAITH ACTION:  Do your best to exemplify the joy that comes to us in Christ Jesus, Our Lord.