Persistence Can Pay Off

11 Jul

“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up.  The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.”  ~Thomas A. Edison

“I can’t pray!”  That is something that priests and spiritual directors hear from their people quite often. “I can’t pray.  Whenever I try, nothing happens.”  Let us consider the different ways that we can pray:
Form Prayers (such as the Our Father, Glory Be, Hail Mary)
The Rosary
Spontaneous Prayer
Group Prayer
Going to Mass
Going to Adoration
Prayer at meals
Prayer “on the move” (while driving, walking, jogging, et cetera)
Just good old talking to God

If those don’t work, don’t do anything.  That’s right.  You read that correctly.  However, when I say “don’t do anything”, I do not mean don’t make time for God.  If you cannot pray, just sit there in silence and give God a chance to speak to you.

So many times our prayers are unidirectional anyway.  They are always addressed to God, asking something, demanding something, imploring something.  We often do not take the time to listen to God’s response.

Do not give up on prayer.  Make it a priority.  Make time for it and do it.

FAITH ACTION:  Make a plan not only for today but for the entire week ahead.  Schedule a time to spend in prayer each day and, at all cost possible, make sure that you hold to that time.