Our Memories

6 Oct

“God gave us memory so that we might have roses in December.”  ~ James M. Barrie

The Scottish novelist and playwright, Barrie, is probably best remembered as the creator of Peter Pan.  He had a way of introducing whimsical images in such a way as to stir our imaginations and touch our hearts.  His quote, in my opinion, does the same.  Roses in December?  I love flowers though, if I’m to be completely honest, my favorite flowers are not roses but rather birds of paradise on the more exotic side or tulips and irises of the more usual type.  But, I digress.

Memory plays a huge role in our lives.  People have been scarred by memories of terrible things that happened to them in their past.  Some never get over their feelings as the memories always take them back to their original pain.  Others have been blessed with an abundance of good memories and can easily take themselves back to “the good ol’ times” when life was simple and pleasant.  Their memories help them to deal with the stresses of the day.  Hopefully we have more good memories than bad because the good memories can help wash away the pain or fright whenever a bad memory rears its ugly head.

We also have memories of things that God has done for us.  Some people recall quite vividly answered prayers, miraculous healings, and other things that they experienced that only could be described as having been sent by God.  Those memories should be cherished as well and brought to the fore whenever we are having a bad day.

Those good memories are the roses in December of which Barrie writes.  Those memories can wash away pain and fright and set us aright once again.  Those memories carry us through tough times in our lives and help us to look forward to better days.  Those memories also help to shape our very character and make us better people.

If you know someone who is plagued by bad memories, try to be there for that person.  Give them some good memories to replace their bad ones.  It is truly a wonderful thing to know that we can become a good memory for another person just as others have been good memories for us.  Today, celebrate all that has touched your life in a positive way.

FAITH ACTION:  Call to mind all the things that God has done for you and, as you treasure those memories, don’t forget to thank God for His wondrous love.