
18 Feb

“The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious.”  ~ Albert Einstein

I think most anybody is drawn to mystery.  There is something compelling about a mystery.  If there were not, the genre would not even exist.  Instead, there are a myriad of mystery books and movies and stories.  Mystery is intriguing.  Mystery is astounding.  Mystery draws us all in.  Of course, mystery can be downright baffling as well.  It can be confusing and, to that end, a bit frightening.  But mystery, in all of its forms and facets, always draws our attention.

At this time, though, I’m not talking about a Columbo mystery, although I am a great fan of the movies.  No.  I am talking about the greatest mystery of all:  God.  It is not a whodunit.  It is not a problem-solver.  It is a greater and deeper mystery than any other we may confront in our lives.

The mystery of God has been attempted to be explained through the centuries.  We try to explain the existence of God.  We try to explain His omnipotence or His omniscience.  We try to explain His glory.  And let’s not forget perhaps one of the most baffling of mysteries, the fact that He always was and always will be.  Eternity can short-circuit most any brain that attempts to comprehend it.

I had a priest friend a long time ago, actually, he was also my spiritual director.  When we talked about some of the deepest realities of our faith, he would often say, “It’s a mystery.  Just genuflect and accept it.”  That was his way of acknowledging the unfathomable aspects of our relationship with God.

It’s so true.  Did you ever stop to think, to really comprehend, why an all-powerful, all-knowing God would want to be a friend to us, mere humans?  It’s a huge mystery.  Did you ever stop to think why God would allow us to have some deep spiritual experiences?  It’s a mystery, enjoy it.  Did you ever wonder about what awaits us after we die?  It’s a mystery that will encompass us with light and love for eternity.

The mystery of God.  We may not be able to explain it or understand it.  That’s all right.  Just genuflect and accept it.

FAITH ACTION:  Whether it be by prayer or by performing the corporal or spiritual works of mercy, do what you can to enter into the mystery of God today.