May All Couples Work Together

15 Oct

“Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.”  ~ Henry Ford

My parents’ “coming together” was today, October 15th, eighty years ago in 1941.  That was the day that they entered the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony.  That was their beginning.  From that beginning, they needed to make progress.  Keeping together was great progress.  Their marriage was not always flowers and celebrations.  Their marriage was filled with scrapping and worrying.  Their marriage was often filled with great tension.  They felt it, their friends felt it, and their children felt it.  But they worked to stay together because “that’s what married couples should do.”

When they made it past trying to keep together and began working together, one could say that their marriage became successful.  Were there still problems?  Oh, you bet your life.  We, their children, could document occasions.  But they stayed devoted to one another in their good and bad days and made their marriage work.  They found happiness and contentment in one another despite the times when things were not as good.

I often wonder what draws people together.  I often wonder what that magic spark is that we call love.  Sometimes it’s incredibly difficult to see in couples.  However, they see something in each other and that is what truly matters.  If they can come together, keep together, and work together, they can make a go of it all and find happiness, peace, fulfillment, and joy.

Now, we know that not all couples find that.  Some never make it through.  Some marriages end.  Whether they were amicable or hostile, a broken marriage often causes grief and consternation to one or both individuals of the former couple.  The happiness and peace that they hoped to find in their marriage eluded them.

Marriage is not easy, especially in a world that focuses on individuality and gratification.  Commitment and hard work are often neglected and/or avoided.  If you are married, let your spouse know that you love him or her.  To your married friends, give a word of support and love.  To your separated or divorced friends, be there for them and let them know that you care.  Pray for all who consider marriage that they may have happiness and fulfillment in one another and in the Lord.

FAITH ACTION:  Pray for all married couples that they have the grace to work together in order to become more holy.