It’s Your Choice

16 Oct

“I am as bad as the worst, but, thank God, I am as good as the best.”  ~ Walt Whitman

Whitman is so right.  We can be as bad as the worst or as good as the best.  It all depends upon what we decide that we are going to do or not do, to say or not say.  Our words and our actions prove to the world just who we are.  If we claim to be Christian, followers of Jesus Christ, we need to do all that we can to be the best of the best people around us.

Yes, situations do figure into the matter.  Yes, others will make certain determinations as to final outcomes.  However it is us and us alone who determine what we will say or do.  No one can force us.  It is truly up to us.  It’s not always easy making the right choices.  It’s not always glamorous and it does not always bring great reward.  But the choice is ours.

“He chose poorly.”  I keep thinking about choice and its ramifications and remember the scene from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.  The person chose the wrong cup as the Holy Grail and drank to his destruction.  We might think that the scene is goofy but the impact and importance of the scene is crucial:  if we choose poorly, our choice could lead to our destruction.

Don’t abandon yourself to the darkness of the world.  Don’t give up hope.  Don’t become one of the worst.  Instead, hold on to the hope won for us by Christ Jesus, our Lord, and chose to be as good as the best.  God has given us the example of many to follow.  You can do it.

FAITH ACTION:  Pray and ask for wisdom before making choices today.