Get What You Want

20 May

“You will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want.”
~ Zig Ziglar

Yesterday afternoon, I had the distinct pleasure of attending an Eagle Scout Court of Honor for one of our parishioners.  As an aside, we have a very active scouting program at our parish and I am incredibly happy that so many adults take part in the program and that so many of our young people set their sights on achieving great things.  That being said, the Eagle Scout Court of Honor reminds everyone present of obligations incumbent upon the Eagle:  to live with honor, to be loyal, to be courageous, to be cheerful, and to serve.

Do these sound familiar.  We may as well take a pencil and erase the words “Eagle Scout” and replace them with the word “Christian”.  All of us, if we are to be committed followers of Jesus Christ, should emulate the virtues of honor, loyalty, courage, cheerfulness, and service.  To do anything less would be to let Jesus down.

“What’s in it for me?” one might ask because, after all, that is the human nature thing to do.  Well, what is in it for us is to get everything that we want.  It might seem strange to say; but, it is true.  The person who goes all out to serve others finds more reward in his or her life than the person who is selfish and tries to accumulate possessions and prestige.  Those people often fail to get what they want and end up without others in their lives as well because they have turned everyone away.

“You will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want.”  Thank you for that very simple remind, Zig Ziglar.  Now, if only we could live that way this day.

FAITH ACTION: Do all that you can to be helpful to others.