Don’t Let Go

12 Jan

“When you have a dream, you’ve got to grab it and never let go.”  ~ Carol Burnett

Carol Burnett has been an inspiration to many through the years.  Her acting career spans many decades and has provided laughter, hope, and comfort to a lot of people.  She began with very meager resources.  Her dream was to act and she found someone who helped her to go to acting school.  Knowing that someone else believed in her and that audiences responded so well to her made Burnett even more determined to succeed.

We have a dream.  That dream is to get to heaven at the end of our days.  We have someone who believes in us.  As a matter of fact, He believes in us so much that He sent His only Son to set us free from sin and death.  Jesus gives us the chance to fulfill our dream and come home to the Father.  It is up to us to pursue that dream.

Some people, as they pursue their earthly dreams, find their hopes flagging because the work might be difficult or they encounter opposition.  The same thing happens and will happen in our spiritual lives.  The devil will do his very best to make our hopes flag and confront us with opposition all along the way.  He wants nothing more than for us to give up our hopes of eternal live with God and to embrace, instead, the lures and promises of the world.

As I have said many times before, all the glitz and glam of the world mean nothing as it is transitory.  It might provide us creature comforts for all our days here on earth.  However, our earthly days will come to an end and then we will find ourselves face-to-face with God.  If we have rejected God and His promises consistently on earth, the chances are good that we will reject God’s invitation to eternal life with Him.

Don’t let that happen.  Pursue your dream of eternity with God.  Never let go of that dream.

FAITH ACTION:  Don’t be afraid to dream of all that the Lord has in store for you.  Pursue that dream by living a faith-filled life.