Do It For God

23 Mar

“Nothing, how little so ever it be, if it is suffered for God’s sake, can pass without merit in the sight of God.”  ~ Thomas a Kempis

Do not let anyone tell you that you are doing “too much” or “too little” in terms of the faith.  While what you are doing might look extreme one way or another to someone else, that person is judging by his or her own standards and/or talents and not by yours.  You are the only one who knows what is too much or too little.

“Nothing, how little so ever it be, if it is suffered for God’s sake, can pass without merit in the sight of God.”  God, who sees all and knows the hearts of all, knows what we can do and what a sacrifice something might be for us.  Someone may think that we are doing very little this Lenten season.  The one who is judging might be completely unaware of our limitations.

Maybe they see someone eating, quite regularly, on a day of fast.  They might say that the person eating “doesn’t care” about God or the faith.  If the person eating did care, they say, that person would fast.  What if that person is a brittle diabetic and must eat throughout the day?  What if that person has some other medical condition that may make them eat much throughout the day?  What if that person has to eat meat protein daily?  Does that mean they are “breaking” the abstinence rule on Friday?

When we view others through our own eyes and our own experiences, we are bound to get things wrong.  We cannot possibly get into their minds and hearts and know them completely.  But, God can.  As a matter of fact, God is already in their minds and hearts.  God knows them through and through.  He knows what sacrifices they are making in observation of Lent.  He knows what sacrifices they make throughout life.  God is pleased with their sacrifices, even if, in our eyes, they be too small to count.

People might be judging you for the manner in which you are observing Lent.  They may not know what you are doing or why you are doing it.  You know what?  They don’t matter.  God is the one who matters.  God knows what you are doing for Him and for yourself so that you can grow closer to Him.

Lent is not about pleasing others.  Lent is about becoming more holy and, in the process, becoming closer to God.  Continue your resolutions and be faithful to Him.

FAITH ACTION:  Dedicate all that you do to the Lord today.  On Saturday afternoon’s, most parishes have confession available.  Consider going to confession as part of your Lenten journey.