
17 May

“A thinking man can think himself deeper and deeper into Catholicism, and not deeper and deeper into difficulties about Catholicism. Conversion is the beginning of an active, fruitful, progressive and even adventurous life of the intellect.” ~ G. K. Chesterton

G.K. Chesterton was a great author.  He was also a person who claimed to be an “unorthodox Christian” throughout most of his life.  Although he was a high Anglican, his searching brought him into the Catholic Church.  I like how he depicts the search for many.  He sees a solid search as bringing a person into Catholicism rather than taking a person away from Catholicism.  He found the answers he was looking for in the Catholic faith.

Today, we celebrate the search of those who have been a part of the RCIC/RCIA program since last October.  Some of these people were to be baptized at the Vigil Mass of Easter six weeks ago.  Because of the pandemic and the closing of our churches, they were unable to enter the Church at that time.

Others had been preparing to complete their sacraments.  They may have been baptized many years ago but never received their First Confession, First Communion, and Confirmation.  They, too, were to have their sacraments completed at the Vigil Mass of Easter.

I am glad that they are able to have their sacraments this day. It is wonderful to celebrate the call of God that takes us all on amazing journeys throughout our lives.  If each of our candidates would have the opportunity to tell their stories, I think we would all be amazed at what they had to tell.  God is with us throughout our lives, always inviting us to a deeper faith and trust in Him.

It is not always easy to respond to God’s call.  Sometimes, we hesitate our of fear.  Sometimes we hesitate because we are confused about the call.  It is only when we attempt to search for the answers that we find ourselves being drawn into new relationship with the One who loves us every moment of every day of our lives.

To those who were a part of this past RCIC/RCIA process, hearty congratulations upon your reception into the Catholic faith or your completing of your sacraments.  For those of you that may be feeling the tug to further conversion, we begin anew this coming October.

FAITH ACTION:  Pray for all those who are being called by the Lord to a new or deepening relationship with Him that they have the courage to respond.