Change Yourself

4 Jan

“Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.”
~ Leo Tolstoy

We are still close enough to the beginning of our new year to ask ourselves the question, “What have we resolved to do differently this year?”  New Year’s Resolutions come in different shapes and sizes.  They come in different packages.  Some are wrapped up neatly and sincere.  Others are bundled quite shabbily.  Most resolutions wither on the vine and die away within the first few weeks.

We often think about what the world would be like if it could be changed and there are many times we do what we can to change, at least, our part of the world.  However, those thoughts are always about the external.  There are many times that we fail to look within, identify what needs to change within, and to make a plan of action to change.

The truth of the matter is that our world cannot change unless we first change ourselves.  If we remain the same people, no amount of worldly change will matter because, sooner or later, we will bring those changes back around to what they used to be.  Only when we change will we be able to reinforce the changes of the world and work to effect change in the world.

It has been said over and over again through the ages and is still true today.  It first begins with us.  At the beginning of a new year, do you see changes that you would like to have happen?  Try to identify how changes within yourself will bring about the desired external changes.  Work on changing yourself and then go for the change you would like to effect in the world.

It is a new year.  It is a new you.  Let us do all that we can to make ourselves and our year a shining example of the love of God in the world.

FAITH ACTION:  Ask God for the grace and courage that you may need to change your manner of living so as to be more like His Son.