A Sense Of Hope

12 Dec

“We celebrate the First Advent to whet our appetites for the Second. We long for the next coming.” ~ Max Lucado

Less than two weeks to Christmas. That knowledge might make some people begin to panic. There are still tons of chores to accomplish and tasks to complete. And then, oh my, there are all those things that we forgot about and are now starting to remember. It’s time to make another to-do list!

That is what many people can be feeling at this time of the Advent season. To get past that and to get ourselves motivated for our Advent preparation, we need to remember the true task of Advent. It is not to prepare ourselves for a secular holiday. It is to prepare ourselves for an intimately spiritual holy day. You can’t get much more intimate than for God to take on our very flesh and blood.

Remembering that, our focus of the season can draw us inward so that we can contemplate not only the mystery of the Incarnation – God made Man – but we can also reflect upon our own relationship with God.

How good and/or how strong is that relationship? Do we take the time to pray that we should? Do we spend any time at all in spiritual reading? Do we read the Bible? Do we create time for silent reflection and contemplation?

Those are the things that involve us. Now, how about others? Do we reach out to others in need? Do we include others in faith-sharing? Have we volunteered to visit those who are sick or shut-in? Do we recognize God in others? Remember that people and not just tasks are an important part of our preparation for Christmas.

FAITH ACTION: As you go through your preparations for Christmas, reflect upon the Second Coming of Christ and try to prepare yourself spiritually for that moment as well.