A Lesson To Be Learned

22 May

Eight things to remember when going through tough times

  1. Everything can — and will — change.
  2. You’ve overcome challenges before.
  3. It’s a learning experience.
  4. Not getting what you want can be a blessing.
  5. Allow yourself to have some fun.
  6. Being kind is the best medicine.
  7. Other people’s negativity isn’t worth worrying about.
  8. And, there is always, always, always something to be thankful for.

I ran across the above on Facebook the other day.  The attribution is unknown; but, I thought the sentiment was so apropos not only for the pandemic but for our spiritual lives.  Of course, during the pandemic, things in our lives have had to change.  Some things have changed quite radically.  There are some who do not have jobs and others who are performing their jobs remotely.  There are those who have lost jobs temporarily and others who have lost them permanently.  There are some businesses that have had to close because they could not handle the loss of income.

For so many people, the points above are quite important to consider.  Everything in our lives changes.  They change quite often throughout our lives, whether we plan for them or not.  But, we need to remind ourselves that we are up for the challenge because we have learned from changes in our lives so many times before.  Additionally, being deprived of things desired has made us appreciative of what we have and has opened out eyes up to blessings that we have never acknowledged.

Because of that, we need to approach our days with hopeful optimism and rejoice for what comes our way.  Yes, we can even have some fun along the way.  This fills us with joy and helps us to be kind.  Kindness blesses others even as it makes us feel better about ourselves.  It also helps us to realize that the negativity of others should not be allowed to affect us.  Their negativity is their problem.  If our kindness does not help them out of their funk, it is upon them, not upon us.

In the midst of sadness, sorrow, and loss, we can always find something that prompts thankfulness.  Being thankful helps us to align our relationship to God, the source of all blessing.

As I said, those pandemic lessons are also spiritual lessons.  Sometimes, our spiritual lives might appear to be dry.  We could allow that to overwhelm us or we can look upon that as opportunity for growth.  Our spiritual lives have changed before.  We mature in our relationship with God and that has always evoked change.  That change does not have to be frightening.  While it might lead us to walk away from certain things in our lives and eschew certain worldly comforts, it brings us more than what we let go.  God always blesses us when we embrace Him rather than the world.

Allow your spiritual lives to continue to mature.  Walk the path that God points out to you.  Go unafraid knowing that He will be your companion.  Be kind to those you meet on the way as they may be struggling with their decisions to draw closer to the Lord just as you may be.  As you are a blessing to others, you will find that they are a blessing to you.  It is for that reason alone that you can be thankful today.

FAITH ACTION:  Thank God for the opportunity that He shows you today and ask Him for the courage to embrace His will.