
20 Dec

“The season of Advent means there is something on the horizon the likes of which we have never seen before. So stay. Sit. Linger. Tarry. Ponder. Wait. Behold. Wonder. There will be time enough for running.”  ~ Jan Richardson

This quote is very appropriate for the Monday of the Fourth Week of Advent.  Why?  Just ask any child.  They know in their heart of hearts that there is something on the horizon the likes of which they have never seen before:  Christmas.  In the eyes of a child, Christmas is akin to pure magic.  It is the stuff of which dreams are made.  It is visits with relatives and goodies and gifts and so much more.

During the week before Christmas, children’s excitement can barely be contained.  They hover near the tree, especially if you dared to put the gifts out early.  They watch every Christmas cartoon and movie that you can find.  They sing Christmas songs, sometimes incessantly.  They begin to look like Christmas more and more each day.

That is where Richardson suggests that we place ourselves.  We will be celebrating Christmas at the end of the week.  Sit in silence and linger on that thought a good, long while.  Ponder the implications of so great a day as you wait to celebrate it.  Think about what it will be like to behold the splendor of God, all wrapped up in the body of a child.  Wonder about God’s love for you, a love that would send His only Son for your sake and the sake of us all.

This last week of Advent can be a very powerful week if we allow it to speak to us.  In order to do so, however, we will need to keep the other side of Christmas preparation — the secular/worldly side — in check.  We cannot afford the last-minute demands of the season to distract us from our spiritual preparation for Christmas.  Yes, those last-minute things need to be accomplished.  They just should not be allowed to overshadow the spiritual side of the season.

FAITH ACTION:  Find some time for yourself today, so that you can think about the glory that is to come.  Savor the days that are left and ask God to help you to be ready to celebrate Christmas when it arrives.