Faithful To The End

5 Jun

“Through fidelity, we situate ourselves and maintain ourselves in the hands of God so exactly as to become one with them in their action.” ~Pierre Teilhard de Chardin


That is the word that was most often used throughout the ages to describe St. Boniface, whose feast day we commemorate today.  He lived and died in the 700’s and had one goal in mind during his ministry:  the reform of the Germanic Church.

Boniface was faithful to the Church.  When the pope sent him to reform the German Church, he went without question and without complaint.  When he met opposition as he attempted to carry out his mission, he continued to preach and teach.  He wanted more than anything else to restore the fidelity of priests to their bishops and bishops to the Holy Father in Rome.  He also attempted to set up houses of prayer where people could dedicate themselves to God.

Since paganism had so entrenched itself in the practices of everyone — including Christians — Boniface had his hands full.  However, with good-natured persistence, he was able to win over many converts to the faith.  Ultimately, while preparing converts for their Confirmation, Boniface and fifty-three companions were martyred.

Boniface knew that the job would not be easy; however, he remained devoted to the Lord and to his mission.  We could all use a dose of the fidelity and courage that drove Boniface to be the faithful Christian that he was.

Our world is out of control.  It needs people like Boniface to point the way to the Lord.  It needs people who strive to remain faithful to set an example for others to follow.  The world needs witnesses.  Why not be one today?

FAITH ACTION:  Ask God to give you the grace to be faithful to Him in all that you say and do today.