Do Not Forget The Works Of The Lord

13 Jan

What we have heard and know,
and what our fathers have declared to us,
we will declare to the generation to come
The glorious deeds of the Lord and his strength.

That they too may rise and declare to their sons
that they should put their hope in God,
And not forget the deeds of God
but keep his commands.

And not be like their fathers,
a generation wayward and rebellious,
A generation that kept not its heart steadfast
nor its spirit faithful toward God.  (Ps 78:3-4,6-8)

There is nothing that I like more than to watch a child attempt to tell a family story.  The child would have heard it many times but the first couple of times that the child attempts to tell the story are really hilarious.

They tell the story slowly and deliberately, hoping that they get everything in.  They often look to their parents or older siblings for non-verbal cues as well as for affirmation that the story is going along correctly.  When the story is over, you can see the relief in their faces that they got it right followed by incredible joy.

We celebrated Christmas not long ago.  On my blog site, I often shared the Christmas Story as told by children.  It brought the events of Christ’s birth into an entirely new light.  Amid the chuckles, faith was underlined.

Stories are important.  They identify us.  They ground us.  They often make us who we are.  Thus it is in our faith lives.  We have wonderfully rich stories of the faith to tell one another.  When we do so, our faith gets the proper boost that it needs.

Telling the stories of the faith not only transmits the faith to others, it also reinforces our own faith.

FAITH ACTION:  Try to find someone today with whom you can share the stories of the faith and, in doing so, build up that faith within you.