Who Is He?

26 Jan

Jesus came with his disciples into the house.
Again the crowd gathered,
making it impossible for them even to eat.
When his relatives heard of this they set out to seize him, 
for they said, “He is out of his mind.”  (Mk 3:20-21)

There were always strong opinions about Jesus.  There appeared to be very few people who straddled the fence.  They were either very much pro-Jesus or very much against Him.

We hear, in today’s Gospel, that even His extended family did not know what to make of Him.  “He is out of his mind,” was one of the sentiments heard.


Perhaps because the crowd was so huge around Jesus that the family felt their peace being shattered.

People do strange things when they feel uncomfortable.

Or, maybe they felt their egos being threatened.  After all, Jesus was getting all the attention and they were getting nothing — not even good service.

How do we treat Jesus?  Do we see Him as an inconvenience? As a threat?  As someone who takes all the attention from us?

Is He friend? or foe?

FAITH ACTION:  If Jesus is the friend that you claim that He is, take some quality time today to spend with Him.  Whether it be over spiritual reading, reading from the Bible, utilizing prayer cards or prayer books, or just sitting in silence, give some time to the Lord this day.